Archive | December, 2010

White Christmas 2010

27 Dec

I have to say, December 2010 has probably been the worst month of my entire life. Just being honest. Dealing with losing so many people close to me, and the domino effect that seemed like it would never end of events in between. Crazy crazy times. Christmas just didn’t seem like it would be the same this year at all, with it being the first with my grandma Beep Beep being gone and all. But I have to say, it was probably one of the most memorable. God works in mysterious ways, and he made this Christmas special and I can’t even put my finger on why. Maybe it was the snow that fell the entire day on Christmas to give us a rare sight of a white Christmas, or just having family close to you and all together in times like this, without saying a word about anything that has happened. Just the presence of everyone together. Not exactly sure, but I know that God was smiling down on us all, along with everyone that we have lost throughout the year. They got to spend Christmas with Jesus this year, how cool is that?! The snow fall on Christmas was almost like a closure on the year to say, “Hey, smile, we’re doing ok!”

ANYWAY, I’m not much of a writer, so my rambling may not make sense to everyone 🙂
Here are some photos from Christmas.

Fix It Friday!

18 Dec

It’s been awhile since I have posted anything. It’s been a pretty crazy month.

Here is Fix it Friday #81!